Comment: reclamation of the Soweto Dumps

The FSE comments on the proposed reclamation of the Soweto Cluster Surface Dumps.  

Since the objective of ERGO Mining (DRD GOLD) (the Applicant) is to reclaim uraniferous slimes dams in order to recover gold and not uranium, the residue after the reclamation will still be toxic and potentially radioactive.

Before a decision is taken on which measures to implement for remediation and closure the objectives that need to be achieved with the implementation of such measures must be established and agreed upon. This ties in with the MPRD Regulations objectives for  mine  closure  (which  must  start  at  the  commencement  of  the  operation  and  continue throughout  the  life  of  the  operation)  stated  above  “the  land  is  rehabilitated,  as  far  as  is  practicable, to its natural state, or to a predetermined and agreed standard or land use which conforms with the concept of sustainable development.

The requirement of MPRD Regulation 62  entails that interested and affected parties must be involved  in  the  agreements  regarding  future  land  use  of  affected  areas  and  thus  in  the  decisions  regarding  the  establishment  of  objectives  for  such  future  land  use,  as  well  as  in discussing  the  alternatives  for  engineering  interventions,  where  decisions  regarding  such  options will affect the future land use.

The comment in its entirety is available to download.

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