In response to the country’s need to take an improved integrated approach to Water Quality Management, the Department of Water and Sanitation has recently initiated a project to revise its current Water Quality Management (WQM) Policies and Strategies.
It is intended that the policy and strategy will be both practical and progressive and that it will provide WQM principles and actions that are pragmatic, implementable and appropriate to the future institutional and governance landscape. Given that the management of water quality constitutes an effort that is serviced and maintained by various role-players, a key element of the development of the management instruments envisaged by this project is the involvement of relevant role-players, at a level where they may provide strategic direction, vision and guidance in the conceptualisation and finalisation of key areas and outputs of the project. Therefore, the Department is undertaking a series of targeted stakeholder engagements consisting of a wide range of sectors which will have a role in implementing, or which will be affected by, a revised WQM Policy and Strategy for South Africa.
The project is now in the WQM Policy Development phase. A set of WQM Policy Principles (please see attached) have been developed, which will form the foundation for the WQM Policy.