New Strategies for Sustainable Closure of Mines | article by Oxpeckers

An ambitious new government strategy to deal with abandoned mines is welcome but needs more teeth, say those in the know. Andiswa Matikinca reports.

It has been almost six years since #MineAlert reported that it will cost R30-billion or more to clean up and rehabilitate the thousands of abandoned mines scattered around South Africa. In a series of data-driven investigations, starting with No (dis)closure on mining’s mess, #MineAlert highlighted the legacy impacts on the environment and the health of poor communities living along the mining belt.

In May 2021 the government published a new national mine closure strategy to deal with the problem. Still in draft form, the key focus areas include environmental rehabilitation, planning for “a diverse post-mining economy”, closure planning throughout the lifecycle of a mine and a regional approach to mine closures. Read more here.

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