Kagiso uprising

In this four part series we begin with the protest action in Kagiso early this year. The residents of Kagiso on Johannesburg’s West Rand are calling for the complete shut down of Mintails Mogale Gold. This mining operation began unrestrained blasting only 100m’s away from their homes late in 2013. People describe an earthquake type […]

Management of the Western Basin Mine Void

“..in the light of the continuing pollution of one of our country’s major river systems and one of our countries largest aquifers, and given the inadequacy of the current treatment plant, it does notmake any sense that several new opencast mine pits could have been authorised right on top of the recharge zone of the […]

Expert opinion on situation in West Rand

Mintails continue to contribute to the recharge (and subsequent decant from) of the Western Basin Mine Void water (by increasing the number of opencast areas through which recharge occurs), which [FSE] rightly say flow at about 20-30 Ml/day form the 17 and 18 Winze shaft areas. However, currently it is probably flowing at double that […]

Mintails maintains it can make money from muck

by Charlotte Matthews of Business DayTACKLING the lethal and unsightly legacy of abandoned gold mines around Krugersdorp is not a task for the faint-hearted. But Australian-listed Mintails believes it can play a major role, at the same time as making money for its shareholders.It is going to cost a lot of money and require some […]

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