International Nuclearisation of Africa Symposium

The world has become sober to the unimaginable power of uranium after Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the nuclear accidents at Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and recently, Fukushima.A new set of serious health problems, collectively known as Gulf War Syndrome, and epidemiological data from the Wismut cohort have become available to researchers.

Nuclearisation of Africa

Uranium mining can have detrimental effects on the health of the miners and their families. An interdisciplinary team of doctors and scientists will report on this and on efforts of the nuclear industry to promote the civilian use of nuclear power in Africa at a Symposium in Johannesburg, South Africa from 16th to 19th November […]

NNR responds; FSE asks for more

On 25 June 2014 the National Nuclear Regulator (NNR) had a quarterly meeting with several Non-Governmental Organisations to discuss matters of concern. During this meeting, a presentation was made by Ms M Liefferink, Chief Executive Officer of the Federation for a Sustainable Environment (FSE). Ms Liefferink requested response from the NNR on a number of […]

Health effects of ionising radiation – Conference in Ulm

The Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) invited Mariette Liefferink to speak at its expert conference on the environmental and social impacts of uranium mining in South Africa. The CEO of the FSE presented a paper on the environmental, health and social impacts of the reclamation of uraniferous tailings within the Witwatersrand goldfields […]

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