Mine dumps – “toxic threat”

Despite intensive and extensive investigations undertaken and reports issued by several government departments several years ago into the health hazards associated with a toxic environment in the Johannesburg region, the situation persists with little to no remedial action taken to date.

Residents use radioactive mud as an acne cure

Experts warn old mine dumps could cause birth defects and brain disorders Patience Mjadu can’t bear the pimples that dot her face. So, like other women in her impoverished informal settlement, she has resorted to a novel but potentially dangerous form of treatment involving toxic and radioactive mining waste.

Radioactive spillages condemn farmland

In the wasteland that is Johan Kondos’s farm, a lush green field brings hope. “This is what a farm is supposed to look like,” he says, gesturing proudly to his prized lucerne crop, seemingly untainted by the surrounding mining pollution. This lone field, and a few beloved cattle, is all Kondos has left of his […]

The battle over uranium: Just how bad is it?

One of the most abundant heavy metals in the earth’s crust, uranium is a known radiological element and toxin. It is also a major by-product of gold mining, historically one of South Africa’s greatest economic undertakings. The country additionally began mining specifically for uranium in 1949, primarily for export to the United States and other […]

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