Hennops Revival awarded Mariette Liefferink of the FSE a Certificate of Appreciation for her contribution to the Revival of the Hennops River over the past year. View the certificate below.
Response by Dr Sean Phillips, the DG of the DWS, to concerns raised by the FSE
Dr Sean Phillips provides a response on the ongoing sewage pollution in Wonderfonteinspruit.
The FSE participated and presented at the 2022 WISA Conference
Presentation available below.
FSE’s report on the ongoing sewage pollution – Wonderfonteinspruit, Vaal Barrage and Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Site
“According to the National Water and Sanitation Master Plan (2018) 56% of waste water treatment works and 44% of water treatment works are in a poor or critical condition. 11% are dysfunctional…” Full report attached below.
Presentations pertaining to the Draft National Water Resource Strategy 3
FSE’s submission to the South African Human Rights Commission on the status of the Section 63 Vaal River System Intervention
Notwithstanding the SAHRC’s findings pursuant to the Commission’s investigation in September, 2018, namely that: – the Emfuleni Municipality caused the sewage pollution of the Vaal, – the DWS and the DEFF had not been able to hold the Emfuleni Municipality accountable, – there was extensive non-compliance at all spheres of government, Compliance with the following […]
A dam mess | Carte Blanche
Pumping of acidic mine water on East Rand delayed — again | Mail & Guardian
Article by Sheree Bega One of the three plants designed to treat polluted water from old underground mines in the Witwatersrand’s three mining basins is still not up and running, five months after operations ground to a halt. Read the full article here.
Acid mine water continues to rise underground on the East Rand | Mail & Guardian
Article by Sheree Bega “The rising levels of underground acid mine water on the East Rand have breached the environmental critical level (ECL) but there are “no worries” about it discharging on the surface for the moment, according to the state-owned entity in charge of its management and control…” Read the full article here.
Minister Mchuncu’s response to the FSE’s concerns
Minister Mchuncu responded to the FSE’s numerous questions relating to our water system and issues such as acid mine drainage and the integrated Vaal River system to name a few. Find the Minister’s response below.