Rising water, rising fear: SA’s mining legacy

Environmental activist Mariette Liefferink’s four-inch crimson heels still sport their Woolworths sticker as they puncture the sulphuric crust lining Robinson Lake, situated in the Western Basin of the Witwatersrand. The water is quiet, smells slightly of vinegar and laps gently against a shore devoid of any life save for a few, lone reeds. Behind the […]

DWA Responds to DA’s questions on AMD

NATIONAL ASSEMBLYFOR WRITTEN REPLYQUESTION NO 386 DATE OF PUBLICATION IN INTERNAL QUESTION PAPER: 26 FEBRUARY 2010 (INTERNAL QUESTION PAPER NO. 4)386. Mr G R Morgan (DA) to ask the Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs:(1)(a) What are the current locations where acid mine water is decanting in Gauteng, (b) into which water courses are they […]

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