The Federation for a Sustainable Environment presented on 21-22 June to the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Water & Environmental Affairs. The subject of the presentation was the ongoing problems with managing Acid Mine Drainage. The FSE and the Centre for Environmental Rights submitted written comment.
FSE reports on AMD
On 19 May, the Federation for a Sustainable Environment submitted a report to the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Water and the Environment, on invitation. The subject, the current status of AMD.
New law a ‘free-for-all’ for property developers
A Federation of environment groups is to investigate taking legal action against proposed laws that they say would grant property developers a “free-for-all” and leave the environment with little, if any, protection against them.
Water quality and pollution – a reflection of 5 years
Mariette Liefferink has responded on behalf of the Federation for a Sustainable Environment (FSE) to a call for submission to the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee. The call is for input towards compiling of a legacy report reflecting the activities over the past five years on water quality and pollution.