
National Weekly Status of Dams Report (Bulletin)

The volume of surface water storage is expressed as a percentage of a combined full supply capacity (FSC) of 221 dams nationally. The enclosed weekly bulletin indicates the following:

1. Nationally surface water storage for this week is at 91.4% of the FSC, this is higher than last year during the same period by 0.7%. Nationally storage decreased by 0.6% as compared to the previous week. 22% of the dams are either full or spilling (above 100% of FSC), while 1% are at critically low storage volumes.

2. General most of the provinces this week experienced a decrease in storage volumes at an average of 0.3%, with the notable exception of Northern Cape (1.5%) and Western Cape (0.1%). The Kingdom of Eswatini and Kingdom of Lesotho storage decreased by 0.9% and 0.9% respectively as compared to the previous week. 

3. The Katse and Mohale Dams which form part of the integrated Vaal River System (IVRS), are at a combined storage level of 90.6% of FSC. The IVRS for this week at 93% of FSC, lower than last year by 3%.

4. The Western Cape province all-year rainfall region storage experienced a decrease by 1.1% and the winter rainfall region storage experienced an increased by 0.2% as compared to the previous week. The Western Cape Province storage this week is at 92.6% of FSC. 

5. The Thee Waters Kloof and Voëlvlei Dams in the Western Cape are now respectively at 102.8% and 100.9% of their full capacities. 

6. General most of the water supply systems being reported-on, have for this week experienced a decrease in storage level with the notable exception of Algoa (0.2%), and Cape Town (0.2%). In contrast to the storage volumes for the past year the Amathole (+16.8%), Algoa (+31%)  and Cape Town (+16.4%)  remains significantly higher.

7. One of the 43 District Municipalities is below 50% FSC. Namely: Sarah Baartman (47.8%).

8. Large Dam at high storage volumes (>=100% of FSC) for this week is: Bloemhof Dam (101 Full%)


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