FSE assists Pan African Resources with community training programmes and the distribution of food to Soul City, Kagiso
The FSE, as part of Pan African Resources’ community training programmes on tailings and the management of Tailings Storage Facilities (TSFs), assisted with the distribution of food to Soul City Informal Settlement on Saturday, the 16th of March 2024. The FSE’s participation in the programmes is as an independent party and not as an employee, agent or consultant of Pan African Resources.
The FSE’s role in the programmes include:
- An explanation of tailings and Tailings Storage Facilities, its construction design and causes of TSF failures;
- Environmental legislation as it pertains to the management of tailings and TSFs;
- The identified risks and hazards of tailings and TSFs;
- The definition of “project-affected people” and the site specific “zones of influence”;
- The meaning of “meaningful engagement”;
- The topics and principles of the Global Industry Standard for Tailings Management;
- Emergency preparedness in the unlikely event of a TSF’s failure.